Custom Clearance

For shipping to countries in this list we need additional details for courier and customs clearance.
Please add this details to the commend field at the end of the invoice details and address page .
Otherwise the package can be hold at the customs.

CountryPurposeWhat’s Needed (Tax ID)
BrazilCustoms clearance (both personal & business)CPF (individuals) / CNPJ (businesses)
ArgentinaCustoms clearance (both personal & business)CUIT (businesses) / CUIL or CDI (individuals)
ChileCustoms clearance (both personal & business)RUT (Rol Único Tributario)
MexicoCustoms clearance (business)RFC (Registro Federal de Contribuyentes)
ChinaCustoms clearance (both personal & business)Customs Registration Code (businesses) / National ID (individuals)
IndiaCustoms clearance (both personal & business)IEC (businesses) / PAN (personal)
RussiaCustoms clearance (both personal & business)INN (Taxpayer Identification Number)
South KoreaCustoms clearance (both personal & business)Resident Registration Number (RRN) / Business Registration Number
TurkeyCustoms clearance (both personal & business)Vergi Numarası (Tax Number)
IsraelCustoms clearance (business)Taxpayer Identification Number / National ID
IndonesiaCustoms clearance (business)NPWP (Nomor Pokok Wajib Pajak)
United StatesCustoms clearance for high-value or restricted goodsEIN (businesses) / Social Security Number (SSN) for individuals (in some cases)
JapanCustoms clearance (business)Corporate Number / Personal ID number (My Number for individuals)
South AfricaCustoms clearance (both personal & business)ID Number (personal) / VAT Number (business)

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